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level Wednesday, July 10th
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The Negotiation 9™:

Crucial Skills for Every Negotiator


The Negotiation 9™ : Your One-Stop For Negotiation

Most of you reading this haven't thought about negotiation outside of a high-stakes business deal. But whenever there's a want or need involved—that's a negotiation. 

Turns out you're negotiating more frequently than you thought.

That hard conversation with your teenager? A negotiation. Trying to figure out a way to lower your medical bills? A negotiation.

With our brand-new Negotiation 9 course, you will learn everything you need to know about the Black Swan method of negotiation, all in one 90-minute course.

Learn the 9 core skills of the Black Swan method, including:

  • How to win over someone's trust through Dynamic Silence™
  • What to do when your counterpart isn't talking enough
  • Simple communication skills to help you understand your counterpart's point of view--especially when you disagree
  • And so much more!

With the help of our instructors who have over 15+ years of experience in negotiation success, you will gain wisdom in navigating difficult conversations and personalities, getting better at knowing what to say and when to say it, and increasing your reputation with family, strangers, and business clients. 

Negotiation isn't just for the hostage negotiators—it's for everyone who wants something desperately. 

You want to create a better relationship with your child? Our skills are ideal for that. You want to win back the trust of a disappointed client or supervisor? We can give you the tools you need to do it. 

Upgrade Your Relationships

level Create more fruitful deals that will lead to you having less stress at work and more time at home.
level Become a skilled communicator and learn how to read the minds of even the most difficult and irate clients.
level Find out how to make big asks with confidence and success.
level Stop getting caught up in the impersonal corporate world and discover how to create meaningful relationships.

Curated For Every Professional


Early & Mid-Career Professionals

Drive more customers to your business, beat the competitors, and negotiate better deals with vendors, clients, and customers.


Ambitious, Goal-Oriented Individuals

Learn the skills you need to create more impactful relationships--whether in your career or in your personal life. 


Negotiation Experts

Intuition-based and neuroscience-founded, our nuanced course will challenge even negotiation gurus. 




The Course

Over the course of this 90-minute class, you'll learn the foundation for our methods, including:

  • Labels
  • Mirrors
  • Dynamic Silence
  • The Quick 2 + 1
  • The Paraphrase
  • The Summary
  • Calibrated Questions
  • "I" Messages
  • Encouragers/ Tone of Voice
  • Q&A with our masterful coaches

Want more info on our methods? Head to this page for more on what we do and the difference we've made in people's lives! 




July 10, 2024








90 Minutes

The Instructors


Don Fieselman

Instructor and Coach

Don Fieselman is an instructor and coach at The Black Swan Group. He began his career as a police officer in Pocatello, Idaho in 1994.  Two years later, he was accepted to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) in Las Vegas, Nevada. He spent over twenty-five years there and worked most of his career in investigations. He became an instructor and taught local, state, and...

More About Don

Sandy Headshot

Sandy Hein

Instructor and Coach

Sandy Hein is a Negotiation Instructor and Coach at The Black Swan Group. She has been with the company since December 2011 and transitioned to a full-time role in July 2020. 

Sandy began her career as a police officer in Alexandria, Virginia, and wore many hats during her 23-year stint, including 10 years as a hostage negotiator.....

More About Sandy

The Power of Empathy in Your Hands.

Download our Free eBook.

Empathy is the #1 most underrated leadership skill, and it's devastating when we don't utilize it. Learn how to forge stronger and lasting relationships, build client reputation, and solidify your business practices. 

Download our eBook, "How to Build Self-Confidence and Close the Deal" at no cost to you. Discover how our methods can help you:

  • Gain more confidence in your career
  • Build your reputation with your clients and vendors
  • Increase your rate of success in sales

You can have the career you want. Find the eBook here.

Self Confidence  (3)
Felis amet pellentesque amet ut habitant.

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