Common Law Trademarks
The Black Swan Group has trademark rights for each of the terms below, as well as in our logo. Also, each of the terms below has a specific meaning within The Black Swan negotiation methodology and must be used appropriately.
- Accusation Audit®
- Asking Labels™
- Black Swan Group™
- Calibrated Questions™
- C.A.V.I.AA.R™
- Dynamic Silence™
- Ego Authority Failure™
- Labels™/Labeling™
- Laws of Negotiation Gravity™
- Mirrors™/Mirroring™
- Negotiation 9®/ N9™
- Never Split the Difference™
- No-Oriented Questions™
- Proof of Life (POL)™
- Proof of Life of the Deal™
- Quick 2+1™
- Rules of Negotiation™
- Summary™
- Tactical Curiosity™
- Tactical Empathy®
- "That's Right"™
- The 7 Deadly Sins of Negotiation™
- The Black Swan Method®
- Thought-Shaping Questions™