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Why Logrolling Negotiation Is Garbage (And What to Do About It)
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Logrolling Negotiation Is Garbage (And What to Do About It)

There are four reasons that logrolling negotiation—a negotiation strategy that’s solely based on making trade-offs—is garbage It’s a compromise. It’s...

What Does a
Preparing to Negotiate

What Does a "Collaborative Negotiation" Look Like?

How do you set a tone of collaboration that sticks—especially with someone that sees the negotiation as win-lose, and they want you to lose? It’s...

The Four-Step Process To Get You Better Offers
Preparing to Negotiate

The Four-Step Process To Get You Better Offers

After receiving an offer, you may be asking yourself, “How do I know I got everything that I could have gotten?”

The 5 New Rules for Winning Negotiations
Preparing to Negotiate

The 5 New Rules for Winning Negotiations

Who knew hostage negotiation actually uses the same principles that apply to all negotiations?! Hostage negotiation started in the 1970s, before...

3 Scenarios to Practice Your Negotiation Skills
Preparing to Negotiate

3 Scenarios to Practice Your Negotiation Skills

There’s one commonality that all effective negotiators share: they consciously make the decision to negotiate in their daily lives. It may sound...

4 Steps to Gaining the Upper Hand in a Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

4 Steps to Gaining the Upper Hand in a Negotiation

The secret to gaining the upper hand in a negotiation is to give the other party the illusion of control. But how do you flip the control dynamic on...

Why Compromise is the Enemy of Agreement
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Compromise is the Enemy of Agreement

We’ve all heard the old adage that “compromise is the secret to a good marriage.” It’s not uncommon to hear compromise linked to things like love and...

Five Key Components of Effective Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

Five Key Components of Effective Negotiation

No matter the context or the stakes, every effective negotiation strategy relies on these five factors. Are you effectively using all five?

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps
Preparing to Negotiate

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps

To be a compelling and consistent negotiator, it’s important to keep learning new skills and evolving your approach as you grow. Even veteran...

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors
How to Negotiate

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors

Okay, so you’ve reached out to a vendor, communicated what you’re looking for, and requested a service-level agreement (SLA), timeline, and price...

Why Are We Still Talking About This?
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Are We Still Talking About This?

Google “Leadership Emotional Intelligence” and marvel at the number of hits on books, articles, and blog posts that have been produced. Not a week...

How Your Perception Is Hurting Your Deals
Preparing to Negotiate

How Your Perception Is Hurting Your Deals

Before you go into any negotiation you probably address some form of the below: Time spent planning Purpose of interaction How do we move the...

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