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How to Negotiate with Difficult People
How to Negotiate

How to Negotiate with Difficult People

I’m on the wrong side of customs in Australia, and my bags are still inside. I’m not interested in getting stranded or missing my connection, and I’m...

Negotiation Skills Training: The Key to Disarming The Attack
How to Negotiate

Negotiation Skills Training: The Key to Disarming The Attack

This blog was originally published on 7/23/2018 and updated on 9/3/2020. When you go into a negotiation that is likely to be combative, there are...

How to Develop Your Mindset Before a Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

How to Develop Your Mindset Before a Negotiation

In a previous post, we outlined the important role mindset—the set of attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions that governs your behavior—plays in...

How Your Mindset Affects Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

How Your Mindset Affects Negotiation

Your mindset affects everything in a negotiation. It governs how you act, how you speak, and how you react to what the other side says. That’s why...

4 Types of Negotiations You Will Likely Find Yourself In
Preparing to Negotiate

4 Types of Negotiations You Will Likely Find Yourself In

Anytime there is a want or need, you are in a negotiation. Normally, we attribute more importance to the negotiations that we perceive will result in...

Try This Body Language Technique in Your Next Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

Try This Body Language Technique in Your Next Negotiation

Nonverbal cues and body language play a crucial role in negotiations. For example, many of us nod our heads yes to show the other side we agree with...

The Black Swan: What It Is and How to Find It
Preparing to Negotiate

The Black Swan: What It Is and How to Find It

In general if someone refers to something as being a black swan they’re referencing it as a completely unexpected or unpredictable but extremely...

5 Negotiation Steps That Will Close Your Next Deal
Preparing to Negotiate

5 Negotiation Steps That Will Close Your Next Deal

In an ideal world, closing deals would be easy. And with the right approach, it sometimes is. Before sitting down at the table next time, take these...

Unwilling to Make Concessions in Negotiation?: Do This Instead
How to Negotiate

Unwilling to Make Concessions in Negotiation?: Do This Instead

You’ve got a logjam. The other side has dug in. Your boss may want you to make this deal or maybe there’s something else motivating you to work it...

Labels vs. Questions: Unlocking ‘The Floodgates of Truth Talk’
How to Negotiate

Labels vs. Questions: Unlocking ‘The Floodgates of Truth Talk’

Labels are the best information-gathering device out there. Bar none. This is so true that Brandon Voss of The Black Swan Group has even designated a...

How to Get Your Counterpart to Bid Against Themselves
How to Negotiate

How to Get Your Counterpart to Bid Against Themselves

You may not think that it’s easy to get the other side to bid against themselves. But you’d be wrong. When you’re selling something, there’s a price...

What's the Deal with Anchoring in Negotiation?
Preparing to Negotiate

What's the Deal with Anchoring in Negotiation?

Anchoring, or establishing a reference point in a negotiation, is a technique that can help you get the best deals. But it doesn’t always work that...

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