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3 Scenarios to Practice Your Negotiation Skills
Preparing to Negotiate

3 Scenarios to Practice Your Negotiation Skills

There’s one commonality that all effective negotiators share: they consciously make the decision to negotiate in their daily lives. It may sound...

5 Elements of Emotional Intelligence to Use During Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

5 Elements of Emotional Intelligence to Use During Negotiation

As former FBI negotiators and professional negotiation coaches, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about emotional intelligence (EQ)....

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work
Negotiation Tactics

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work

Our work and personal lives are filled with negotiations. Some are small negotiations, such as what movie to watch or who should be responsible for...

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps
Preparing to Negotiate

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps

To be a compelling and consistent negotiator, it’s important to keep learning new skills and evolving your approach as you grow. Even veteran...

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation

In a negotiation, having leverage means that you hold a perceived advantage that could give you the upper hand in achieving the agreement you desire.

The #1 Way to Perfect This Key Skill
Negotiation Tactics

The #1 Way to Perfect This Key Skill

This is also the #1 way to deal with everyone who wants to suck up your time on the phone, from colleagues to cold-calling sales-people with “Have...

The True Power of “Yes”
Negotiation Tactics

The True Power of “Yes”

A flat-out “yes” is a scary thing to say. “Yes” is commitment. People are constantly trying to use it to trap you. That’s why when someone asks you...

3 Ways To Uncover Black Swans That Will Boost Your Deals
Negotiation Tactics

3 Ways To Uncover Black Swans That Will Boost Your Deals

However you get into an interaction, whether you have had ample time to prepare or you have been thrown into the fires of Mount Doom, it is always...

How To Unlock The Floodgates of Truth Talk
Negotiation Tactics

How To Unlock The Floodgates of Truth Talk

How do you unlock the floodgates of truth talk? With questions? Surprisingly…no! Not with questions. At least, not with open-ended or questions that...

Why It's Important To Embrace
Negotiation Tactics

Why It's Important To Embrace "No"

“I’m telling you now man, if y’all do anything foolish, these people are gonna get hurt,” Mike said after taking 12 people hostage during a botched...

The #1 Reverse Psychology Skill For When You're Attacked in a Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

The #1 Reverse Psychology Skill For When You're Attacked in a Negotiation

What's the best way to handle being attacked in a negotiation? Call it reverse psychology. Call it a Jedi Mind Trick. Call it Emotional Intelligence...

The Alternative to 'Tell Me More'
Negotiation Tactics

The Alternative to 'Tell Me More'

My last article in The Edge called “The Problem with Tell Me More” left a few people asking “What do you say instead?”. This article is meant to give...

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Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

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