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Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask
Negotiation Tactics

Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask

Questions are universally known as necessary mechanisms to gather information from another party. Although this still rings true to a certain extent,...

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021
Negotiation Tactics

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021

These days, people aren’t going to conferences and in-person events anymore, and it appears as though that will remain the case for the foreseeable...

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation
Communication Techniques

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation

Every negotiator wants the same thing: getting exactly what we want every time we sit down at the table.

What Is The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)?
Communication Techniques

What Is The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)?

The Black Swan Group’s Negotiation 9™ (N9™) are the nine skills that make it easy to achieve Tactical Empathy™ (TE™) —the best way to accomplish...

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea
Communication Techniques

Why Good Cop, Bad Cop in a Negotiation is a Terrible Idea

If you’ve ever seen practically any movie that involves police officers, you’re familiar with the good cop/bad cop negotiation strategy. During an...

3 Ways You’re Stacking The Odds Against Yourself in Negotiations
Negotiation Tactics

3 Ways You’re Stacking The Odds Against Yourself in Negotiations

At Black Swan, we teach our clients all sorts of tactics they can employ to achieve better outcomes in their personal and professional lives. For the...

Communication Skills: Did You Know There Are 5 Levels of Listening?
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: Did You Know There Are 5 Levels of Listening?

This blog was originally published on 5/14/2018 and updated on 8/13/2020. Most people who think they are good listeners underperform—by as much as 60...

Communication Skills: How to Use a Cold Read and Accusation Audit
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: How to Use a Cold Read and Accusation Audit

This blog was originally published on 4/17/2017 and updated on 8/6/2020. A few years ago, I was the only hostage negotiator in a room full of SWAT...

Methods of Persuasion: How to Use FBI Empathy
Negotiation Tactics

Methods of Persuasion: How to Use FBI Empathy

This blog was originally published on 6/12/2017 and updated on 7/30/2020. When you use empathy in the business world the way we learned to use it as...

The Simple Negotiation Tactic That Will Get You Hooked
Negotiation Tactics

The Simple Negotiation Tactic That Will Get You Hooked

Most of us want to get better at negotiation. And when we think of where to start after reading Never Split the Difference, the obvious choice for...

How Negotiation Tactics Work Together Like a Symphony
Negotiation Tactics

How Negotiation Tactics Work Together Like a Symphony

At The Black Swan Group, we teach a number of tactics that people like you can use to get better outcomes in your personal and professional lives. In...

3 Communication and Negotiation Skills You Should Master
Communication Techniques

3 Communication and Negotiation Skills You Should Master

Whether your goal is closing more deals, enhancing personal relationships, or simply having better conversations, improving your communication and...

Harness the Power of Tactical Empathy®

Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

Questions? We're here to help.