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Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

Components of Emotional Intelligence in Negotiation

The best negotiators and most effective leaders possess high levels of emotional intelligence, or a high emotional quotient (EQ), meaning the ability...

When to Focus an Accusation Audit™ Internally and Externally
Negotiation Tactics

When to Focus an Accusation Audit™ Internally and Externally

If you’re new to the term, an Accusation Audit™ is a negotiation technique used to proactively address the negatives likely harbored by the other...

Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board
Communication Techniques

Communication and Negotiation Techniques When Dealing with a Board

When you deal with a board, you’re in a high-stakes negotiation. Whether your goal is buying a company, getting investment in a fund, or encouraging...

Negotiation Training: The Top 10 Black Swan Go-To Labels™
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Training: The Top 10 Black Swan Go-To Labels™

At Black Swan, we’re huge proponents of using Labels™ to arrive at the best outcomes. With an effective use of Labels, you’re able to unearth what...

Get The Best Deal with These 5 Negotiation Tips
Negotiation Tactics

Get The Best Deal with These 5 Negotiation Tips

Life is full of negotiations. Every time you’re in the middle of a conversation in which someone says I want or I need, you’re in a negotiation. From...

Negotiation Tactics: 3 Ways to Avoid Taking Yourself Hostage
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics: 3 Ways to Avoid Taking Yourself Hostage

A while back, I wrote about three ways negotiators take themselves hostage and what you can do to avoid making these same missteps. Since then, I’ve...

How to Become an Assertive Negotiator
Negotiation Tactics

How to Become an Assertive Negotiator

Because you’re reading these words, chances are that you want to become an Assertive negotiator. Stop it! It’s time to let go of that desire. The...

Understanding Negotiation Roles and Responsibilities
Negotiation Tactics

Understanding Negotiation Roles and Responsibilities

In every negotiation, there are five distinct roles and responsibilities. In an ideal world, you would have five different people playing each of...

Negotiation Tactics That Every Woman Should Use
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics That Every Woman Should Use

Women and men are treated differently in the workplace. That’s just the way it is. Over the years, The Black Swan Group has found that women have...

Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask
Negotiation Tactics

Why the Best Question Is the One You Never Ask

Questions are universally known as necessary mechanisms to gather information from another party. Although this still rings true to a certain extent,...

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021
Negotiation Tactics

Why Negotiation Training is the Best Investment for 2021

These days, people aren’t going to conferences and in-person events anymore, and it appears as though that will remain the case for the foreseeable...

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation
Communication Techniques

4 Ways to Get Everything You Want in a Contract Negotiation

Every negotiator wants the same thing: getting exactly what we want every time we sit down at the table.

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