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3 Benefits of Dynamic Silence™️ in 2023
Negotiation Tactics

3 Benefits of Dynamic Silence™️ in 2023

“Speech is silver, silence is golden” is an old proverb thought to originate in Arabic culture.

What Is the Black Swan Accusation Audit™?
Negotiation Tactics

What Is the Black Swan Accusation Audit™?

When you’re in the middle of a negotiation and the other side’s head is filled with negative thoughts and ideas, there’s a black hole vortex in their...

Overcome Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Assertive Personality
Communication Techniques

Overcome Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Assertive Personality

Whenever you find yourself at an impasse in a negotiation, you need to know how you got there. We need to admit that the approach we use to get...

Overcoming Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Analyst Personality
Negotiation Tactics

Overcoming Weaknesses as a Negotiator: Analyst Personality

Whenever we sit down at the table, we need to understand that the counterpart is not the same person as us. Assuming they think like you and share...

4 Tips for Jump-Starting Stalled Negotiations
Negotiation Tactics

4 Tips for Jump-Starting Stalled Negotiations

Even the best negotiators in the world hit an impasse now and again. Next time you find yourself in the middle of a stalled negotiation, lean on...

Sales and Negotiation Skills Training: High-Performing Mindset
Negotiation Tactics

Sales and Negotiation Skills Training: High-Performing Mindset

Many negotiators are stifled by what business coach Dan Sullivan calls the gap or fixed mindset. Conversely, the best negotiators in the world see...

4 Negotiation Skills All Professionals Should Have
Negotiation Tactics

4 Negotiation Skills All Professionals Should Have

No two negotiators are the same, but the world’s best negotiators share many similarities. They not only bring the right mindset to the table each...

3 Negotiation Exercises to Sharpen Your Skills
Negotiation Tactics

3 Negotiation Exercises to Sharpen Your Skills

The skills we teach at The Black Swan Group can help you transform your approach to negotiation. But, just like anything else, the skills are...

5 Ways to Control Your Emotions During Negotiations
Communication Techniques

5 Ways to Control Your Emotions During Negotiations

Even the most talented negotiators struggle with their emotions from time to time. At the end of the day, emotions are one thing we can’t fully...

Communications Skills: Handling Objections
Communication Techniques

Communications Skills: Handling Objections

The best negotiators in the world are great at handling objections. When you find yourself operating in the world of high-stakes negotiations, it’s...

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation

Saying no is the most assertive thing you can do in a negotiation, meaning you should only do it when absolutely necessary. We encourage clients to...

Negotiation Training: When to Walk Away
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Training: When to Walk Away

The Black Swan Group has a saying: It’s not a sin to not get a deal, but it is a sin to not get a deal and waste a lot of time in the process....

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