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3 Ways To Create Space For Yourself In A Negotiation
How to Negotiate

3 Ways To Create Space For Yourself In A Negotiation

It is always nice to have breathing room in a negotiation. Not monetary breathing room, breathing room in the conversation. What we refer to as...

How to Find Fairness In A Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Find Fairness In A Negotiation

The old saying – “the first step to solving a problem is being aware that the problem exists.” On that same token, the first step to finding fairness...

How To Get An Edge When Buying A House
How to Negotiate

How To Get An Edge When Buying A House

“The Chris Price” is how I got a 10% price reduction on shirts in an outlet mall after I was told there was no discount. It’s how I got a 20%...

4 Types of Difficult People and How To Win Them Over
How to Negotiate

4 Types of Difficult People and How To Win Them Over

How you handle difficult conversations or manipulative tactics can be a deal maker or deal breaker. You will face demanding, unclear, frustrating,...

3 Keys To Closing A Negotiation Brilliantly
How to Negotiate

3 Keys To Closing A Negotiation Brilliantly

The last impression is the lasting impression. We don’t remember things the way they happened. I’m sorry, but we don’t. We remember the most intense...

How to Get Secrets – A Black Belt Negotiation Skill
How to Negotiate

How to Get Secrets – A Black Belt Negotiation Skill

The key to any negotiation is getting the other side talking. That’s one of the purposes of small talk. To establish rapport. To get the conversation...

How To Recognize Weakness or Strength During Negotiations
How to Negotiate

How To Recognize Weakness or Strength During Negotiations

Individual “signals” can be faked. “Signals” are choices of words, changes in tone of voice, body language changes (“flinches”) or things often...

How To Disarm the Attack
How to Negotiate

How To Disarm the Attack

There comes a time in almost every negotiation where we may get a counterpart that is trying to influence our decisions by making an ultimatum type...

How You Can Handle The #1 Most Common Lie in Negotiations
How to Negotiate

How You Can Handle The #1 Most Common Lie in Negotiations

"Maybe" I remember hearing a few years ago a businessman saying he started moving his business forward much more successfully when he started...

The 1st Deadly Sin of Negotiation and How to Defeat It
How to Negotiate

The 1st Deadly Sin of Negotiation and How to Defeat It

The #1 Sin - The Lust for “Yes” Lust. One of the 7 deadly sins of life and the first Deadly Sin of Negotiation. It’s a powerful poison for a reason....

How to Get The Upper Hand In Any
How to Negotiate

How to Get The Upper Hand In Any "Take It Or Leave It" Offer

A “take it or leave it offer” signals a great deal of insecurity on the part of the other side. If they weren’t afraid to negotiate, they would....

How to Identify Leverage In A Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Identify Leverage In A Negotiation

Last week, I answered questions via a Quora session. One of the great questions I was asked was: What ways do people signal weakness or strength...

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