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Negotiating Everyday Bills Like a Pro
How to Negotiate

Negotiating Everyday Bills Like a Pro

A lot of people treat customer service reps like dirt. If the last person an agent talked with wasn’t rude to them, then the caller right before them...

How to Tell If Someone Is Bluffing
How to Negotiate

How to Tell If Someone Is Bluffing

How do we know whether our counterpart is serious or just taking a position to try to outmaneuver us? And how do we protect the relationship while we...

How to Negotiate

Introducing "Ego, Authority, Failure" by Derek Gaunt

Are your employees struggling to stay motivated? If so, it might be them. But there’s a good chance that it’s actually you. In today’s business...

How to Deal with a Liar During Negotiations
How to Negotiate

How to Deal with a Liar During Negotiations

Our company used to say, “Yes is nothing without how.” But after years of negotiations, we’ve realized that this isn’t completely accurate. In...

Communication at Work: How to Nail Your Elevator Pitch
Communication Techniques

Communication at Work: How to Nail Your Elevator Pitch

I’ll be honest—I’m not a fan of the elevator pitch. The idea of preparing a 30-second sales speech in which you explain your idea or solution and why...

3 Ways People Take Themselves Hostage in Negotiations & How to Fix It
How to Negotiate

3 Ways People Take Themselves Hostage in Negotiations & How to Fix It

As a professional negotiator, I’ve witnessed a fair share of negotiation mishaps and mistakes. When conversations and deals fall apart, it’s usually...

How to Negotiate Your Way into a Job: 4 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview
How to Negotiate

How to Negotiate Your Way into a Job: 4 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview

Job hopping can be a slog, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to move up and earn more. The average person will change jobs around 12 times...

5 Tricks To Repair A Bad Business Relationship
How to Negotiate

5 Tricks To Repair A Bad Business Relationship

The ability to repair suffering relationships is a vital business skill. Cultivating emotional intelligence and control will give you a competitive...

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation

In a negotiation, having leverage means that you hold a perceived advantage that could give you the upper hand in achieving the agreement you desire.

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors
How to Negotiate

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors

Okay, so you’ve reached out to a vendor, communicated what you’re looking for, and requested a service-level agreement (SLA), timeline, and price...

How To Easily Improve Your Negotiation Skills Every Day
How to Negotiate

How To Easily Improve Your Negotiation Skills Every Day

“Do the homework, and the test is easy.” Dr. Jeff Spencer You need about 63-65 repetitions of use of a skill to build the neural pathway, so its use...

How to Gain Control in a Negotiation in 4 Steps
How to Negotiate

How to Gain Control in a Negotiation in 4 Steps

The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is to give the other side the illusion of control. If knowledge is power, what you really want to...

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