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3 Steps to See If You've Left Anything on the Table During a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

3 Steps to See If You've Left Anything on the Table During a Negotiation

This blog was originally published on 10/26/2015 and updated on 8/27/2020. “How do I know whether I’ve gotten everything I could have out of a deal?”...

How to Win Negotiations Over Zoom
Crisis Negotiation

How to Win Negotiations Over Zoom

As more people are working from home, virtual conferences, meetings, and even negotiations have become a necessity. However, Zoom and other...

How to Negotiate with Procurement
How to Negotiate

How to Negotiate with Procurement

Procurement is an entity that tends to strike fear into the hearts of most salespeople and many executives. Interestingly enough, that’s who the...

The Right Way to Use Leverage in a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

The Right Way to Use Leverage in a Negotiation

There’s a fundamental mindset problem with trying to gain negotiation leverage: You’re trying to take advantage of the other side or the situation at...

What’s Wrong (and What’s Right) with ‘Always Be Closing’
How to Negotiate

What’s Wrong (and What’s Right) with ‘Always Be Closing’

What’s wrong with “always be closing”? To start, it’s pushy. You can’t approach the situation with this mentality and develop a relationship. Always...

How to Use Body Language as a Negotiation Tactic
How to Negotiate

How to Use Body Language as a Negotiation Tactic

Negotiation isn’t always about the words you say and the way you say them. Nonverbal cues often play a crucial role in how things go when you’re...

Unwilling to Make Concessions in Negotiation?: Do This Instead
How to Negotiate

Unwilling to Make Concessions in Negotiation?: Do This Instead

You’ve got a logjam. The other side has dug in. Your boss may want you to make this deal or maybe there’s something else motivating you to work it...

Labels vs. Questions: Unlocking ‘The Floodgates of Truth Talk’
How to Negotiate

Labels vs. Questions: Unlocking ‘The Floodgates of Truth Talk’

Labels are the best information-gathering device out there. Bar none. This is so true that Brandon Voss of The Black Swan Group has even designated a...

How to Get Your Counterpart to Bid Against Themselves
How to Negotiate

How to Get Your Counterpart to Bid Against Themselves

You may not think that it’s easy to get the other side to bid against themselves. But you’d be wrong. When you’re selling something, there’s a price...

What to Do If You Are Stuck in a Bad Faith Negotiation
How to Negotiate

What to Do If You Are Stuck in a Bad Faith Negotiation

The most dangerous negotiation is the one you don’t know you’re in.

How to Use the Key to Tactical Empathy
How to Negotiate

How to Use the Key to Tactical Empathy

Everyone who grasps the importance of that’s right is making incredible breakthroughs in their negotiations. They are killing it. And you will, too....

How To Negotiate Your Utility Bills Down
How to Negotiate

How To Negotiate Your Utility Bills Down

Are you spending more than you need to on utilities? Almost certainly, if we’re being honest. Renegotiating your utility bills on a regular basis is...

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