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The Negotiation Skills Every Agent Needs to Survive the New Real Estate Market!

By |August 19, 2024

As the real estate industry encounters transformative shifts due to the recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) ruling, effective August 17, 2024. This new era has introduced a host of challenges and uncertainties, prompting realtors to seek varied interpretations and advice. This variance has ignited a nationwide conversation among agents about how to best serve clients under the new guidelines, engage in comprehensive compensation conversations, and handle new transaction protocols effectively. This conversion is relevant to more than the realtors. The landscape has changed for those looking for returns on their long term investment and those seeking their first purchase in pursuit of the American Dream.

The real estate profession is notoriously challenging, with a high attrition rate, particularly within the first five years of practice. In response to these recent changes, realtors are often advised to focus more intently on demonstrating their value to clients, raising the stress levels even higher. The undercurrent of fear and uncertainty is apparent. This preconceived impediment of change should be viewed instead as a pivotal opportunity for realtors to redefine their professional identities and strategies.

The Power of Tactical Empathy®

Advice from a hostage negotiator may seem counterintuitive in this arena. Tactical Empathy™ is used in hostage negotiations to uncover hidden drivers of the bad guy’s statements, questions and behaviors.  Likewise, it is an effective strategy for navigating client and agent relationships. Rather than starting the relationship by asserting your value and effectively going for the goal, the emphasis shifts to listening to understand the other's perspective and emotions.

Telling agents to start with their value proposition is like telling a kid to “just do better” at a sport. It increases pressure and sets up real estate conversations that all sound the same which is not surprising f as many agents are not well versed in having conversations that are sensitive.  Instead of just focusing on the fundamentals of real estate,  incorporate Tactical Empathy®. The best agents are professional advocates with deep industry knowledge and the ability to guide clients through complex transactions. Their effectiveness in collaborating with fellow agents when addressing common challenges in real estate transactions is crucial. Those who engage in trust-based influence, are moving away from rigid scripts and focusing first on understanding and addressing the client’s negative emotions and dynamics. This approach fosters a deeper connection and positions the realtor as a dedicated partner in the client’s journey. It also creates a more collaborative environment for working through differences with peers. 

Mastering the Art of Compensation Discussions 

Many agents find discussions about compensation daunting. They are daunting because unless your compensation is zero, talk of it will generate negative emotions and/or dynamics.  It's helpful to start with focusing on your mindset prior to engaging in difficult or uncomfortable conversations. Resign yourself to the fact that you will get attacked at some point.  Remember to Label yourself with the negatives that you feel when this occurs. . Labeling such negatives can help to mitigate their impact. 

Implementation Note: all Black Swan negotiators prep with CAVIAAR.
Learn more about the process HERE..

 It's crucial to practice these conversations, possibly with a colleague beforehand. Role playing common topic conversations, especially the potential negatives, will help you see different perspectives. It’s important to begin every tough conversation with Accusations Audits.  Accusation Audits are also mandated before an ask or before delivering bad news. Accusations Audits are preemptive labels. They involve considering and verbalizing all the negative thoughts that someone might harbor about you, the real estate industry or topic at hand.. Its helpful to create a list of any of these negative assumptions prior to engaging in the conversation. Accusation audits are a proactive approach to demonstrate your genuine interest in understanding the other side's perspective.

Employing Accusations Audits not only prepares you to deliver potentially unwelcomed news but it also emphasizes your intent to understand before being understood. This approach can lead to surprising insights that pave the way for more productive discussions.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Long Lasting Relationships 

Real estate transactions are not merely financial decisions; they are often deeply personal and emotionally charged, typically associated with significant life changes. Realtors frequently find themselves addressing not just the logistical aspects of a sale but also the emotional dynamics that accompany such decisions.

The role of a realtor often extends into emotional counseling territory, managing fears, expectations, and sometimes even family dynamics. This added layer of emotional involvement can intensify the pressures of the job but also deepens the client-agent relationship, creating bonds built on trust and empathy if done well. This authentic approach to collaboration significantly enhances opportunities for referral business.  Many agents focus solely on closing the deal, which will lead to ineffective listening. Slow down and genuinely engage with your client's perspective. 

In this new era of real estate, the application of Black Swan Skills is paramount for navigating the complex and unpredictable nature of transactions. Focus on understanding and addressing the emotional underpinnings of client decisions.  This will lead to you building a robust framework for trust and cooperation. This approach ensures that clients feel heard and supported, empowering them to make informed decisions throughout the process. As a result, realtors not only secure client satisfaction but also enhance their reputation, fostering a referral-based business model grounded in ethical practice and genuine relationships.

The ethical and empathetic conduct of realtors remains paramount. In an era where trust is both currency and cornerstone, the ability to navigate changes with integrity and understanding will define the most successful practitioners. Change is uncomfortable. This may be a little rocky at first as many haven’t had practice at these conversations. Realtors should view these industry shifts not as obstacles but as opportunities to strengthen their practices. By mastering the Black Swan methodology , agents not only survive but thrive, redefining what it means to be a successful professional in the modern real estate landscape. 

For those looking to sharpen their expertise, I suggest starting with the Black Swan Method Foundational Courses.