Women and Tone
In the workplace, a woman’s tone of voice has a profound impact on how she’s perceived. If a woman should ever be wrongly thought of as whiny or...
Mastering Tone in Negotiations & Why It Matters
Everyone’s heard the famous adage: It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
Navigating Friendships Using Tactical Empathy
A friend hasn’t reached out to you in a while.
3 Signs It’s Time to Cut Your Losses and Move on to the Next Deal
According to Black Swan CEO and founder Chris Voss, it’s not a sin to not get a deal. However, it is a sin to take a long time to not get a deal.
Why You Need to Use No-Oriented Questions™ in a Negotiation
The goal of using No-Oriented Questions™ is to transition out of eliciting a yes response from your counterpart and try to get them to agree by...
4 Negotiation Techniques Every Attorney Should Use
Author Raheel Farooq famously said: “Arguing with a lawyer is not the hardest thing in the world; not arguing is.” Everyone wants to make their...
Using the Quick 2+1™ in Your Personal Life
When you’re in a conversation and someone wants or needs something, you’re in the middle of a negotiation—even when you’re talking to a family member...
7 Ways to Navigate Complex Contract Negotiations
Deals are rarely easy in real estate. In most cases, it’s only a matter of time before complex contract negotiations begin. Next time you find...
5 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence in Negotiations
The world’s best negotiators never buckle under pressure. Instead, they’re calm, cool, and collected when they sit down at the table—and that’s...
4 Ways to Neutralize Manipulative Negotiation Tactics in Any Relationship
The Black Swan Group teaches the power of Tactical Empathy™. Although we encourage clients to defer and subordinate themselves to their counterparts,...
Negotiation Skills Training: The Art of the Curiosity Mindset™
When you’re in a negotiation, there are two layers to the conversation: a presenting dynamic or emotion and a latent dynamic or emotion. Most...
How To Use Silence To Your Advantage
One of my business school students recently sent me an email that said: “One thing you’ve emphasized in class is using a skill and then shutting up....