The Top Preparation Habit of Highly Successful Negotiators
I was rehearsing an anticipated negotiation in my head. This interaction would be with someone I’ve let get under my skin. This bothers me in a...

He Issued A Demand or Deadline, Now What?
“We want four million dollars, forty 1,000-year-old ginseng roots, a 50-troop military helicopter, to take us to Thailand…and four bullet-proof...

3 Ways to Train Yourself to be the Best Negotiator
If you have a competitive side you understand what it means to work at constantly improving. The best business people are always striving to be...

The Key to Dealing with A Negotiator Who Lies
The most common lie in a negotiation? “Yes”. As in “Yes, we’ll do it” or “Yes, that’s true” or “Yes, I’m interested”.

The Insider's Secret to Relationship Success is the Best Negotiation Advice
Matt Jacobson, Facebook’s head of market development, recently gave a piece of advice for relationship success that likewise is fundamental to the...

Negotiation Training: Look What You Made Me Do
Jerry was a fifty-seven year-old male who doused himself with gasoline and was in possession of a handgun, threatening to commit suicide. This was...

Negotiation Structure Dictates Negotiated Outcomes
There is a general principle that structure dictates outcomes. This is seemingly a very simple idea. While clichés like this one can be very helpful,...

Just Talk To Him
MOREPIES. It’s the acronym developed by the Crisis Negotiations Unit of the FBI in order to help negotiators remember the eight skills in the Active...

The Key to Negotiating Thanksgiving With Your Family
Eric Barker wrote in his blog “Barking Up The Wrong Tree” that gratitude is the tactical nuke of emotions. That when you bring yourself to feel it,...

Negotiation Skills Training: 4 Steps to Establish Control
The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is to give the other side the illusion of control. If knowledge is power, what you really want to...

It's All Fun And Games, Until Someone Gets Hurt
In the late 1980’s, several deaths of mentally ill persons attributed to the Memphis Police Department (MPD) resulted in a change in tactics for how...

Is Logic Real?
We all like to think that we have a certain amount of logic, some more than others, especially when it comes to making decisions that have a serious...