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2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations
Salary Negotiation

2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations

Sun Tzu's The Art of War presents two principles that I teach my students and clients to use in salary negotiations. “Attack where he is unprepared.”...

Hostage Or Non-Hostage? That is The Question
Crisis Negotiation

Hostage Or Non-Hostage? That is The Question

“Ma’am, here’s what we know so far. Suspect, John Doe of Any Address, is holding his estranged wife, Jane Doe against her will. Apparently, Doe is an...

The Sexiest Thing About Listening
Communication Techniques

The Sexiest Thing About Listening

It’s how you get what you want. In hostage negotiation we always had a saying “What’s it going to take to get the hostage taker to come out? He’ll...

Negotiating with Empathy: Not a State of Mind, It is an Action
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiating with Empathy: Not a State of Mind, It is an Action

Empathy is commonly defined as being very close to sympathy in many cases. Merriam-Webster defines empathy as the feeling that you understand and...

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation
Salary Negotiation

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation

“How can I be guaranteed to be involved in projects critical to the company’s future?” Ask this in every job and salary negotiation. Every time....

Getting You From Rapport To Influence
How to Negotiate

Getting You From Rapport To Influence

We have written about the importance of active listening to demonstrate empathy in order to establish a bond or rapport with the other side of a...

4 Steps to Consistent Negotiation Success
How to Negotiate

4 Steps to Consistent Negotiation Success

Voice Persistence Playfulness Practice

When It Goes Bad, It Goes Bad Quickly (Part 2)
Crisis Negotiation

When It Goes Bad, It Goes Bad Quickly (Part 2)

Let’s imagine for a moment that your team does not deploy negotiators on high-risk warrant service as was advocated in Part 1 of this series and the...

How to Deal with a Negotiator Who Lies
How to Negotiate

How to Deal with a Negotiator Who Lies

Ever wonder what's the best way to deal with a negotiator who lies? Focus on implementation. It’s actually pretty much that simple. It is one of the...

3 Ways to Negotiate Like a Pro
How to Negotiate

3 Ways to Negotiate Like a Pro

Traditionally speaking negotiation is seen as a focused comparison of ideas/results, which in my eyes is a sophisticated way of saying an argument...

Seducing The Long Term Relationship Into Success

Seducing The Long Term Relationship Into Success

The Gallup Organization tells us we don’t remember things the way they happen, we remember how it ends and the most intense moment. Our brothers and...

When It Goes Bad, It Goes Bad Quickly (Part 1)
Crisis Negotiation

When It Goes Bad, It Goes Bad Quickly (Part 1)

Sunrise is about an hour away. SWAT has silently contained the target location. Their stack is at the front door, ready to execute a “no-knock”, high...

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Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

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