How to Gain Control in a Negotiation in 4 Steps
The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is to give the other side the illusion of control. If knowledge is power, what you really want to...

How Your Perception Is Hurting Your Deals
Before you go into any negotiation you probably address some form of the below: Time spent planning Purpose of interaction How do we move the...

The #1 Negotiation Strategy For Everyone (Backed By Science)
The Accusations Audit. (And the crazy thing is women are killing it with this!) Across the board, our clients are hitting the biggest home-runs by...

How To Negotiate When You Have No Leverage
If they’re talking to you, you have leverage. Who has the leverage in a kidnapping? As crazy as it sounds, it’s the people negotiating on behalf of...

4 Things to Expect in A Negotiation
If you knew what the people on the opposite side of the table thought you’d surely get everything you wanted. Unfortunately, you don’t have a crystal...

How To Effectively Negotiate A Raise
Bosses reward people they trust and who are effective. And when in doubt? They lean towards those they trust. Here’s how to achieve both.

How to Answer All Their Questions
Having an individual or a team of people ask you questions is an easily foreseeable part of negotiation. Knowing that negotiation is an information...

The Best “1-2 Punch” In Negotiations
Even I had forgotten how effective this is. The “late-night FM DJ” voice combined with “How am I supposed to accept that?” I was just getting in some...

Using The Power of Silence To Get More
Falling silent, also known as the effective pause, is a powerful tool to use during interpersonal communication. It is a skill in which you...

2 Key Ways To Make Your Counterpart The Problem Solver
We all know at this point, as quoted in Never Split the Difference, the key to negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control. Turning...

Protect Your Profit like Marcus Lemonis
Marcus Lemonis would have been a great hostage negotiator. “I understand you guys have rights and remedies under the agreement to pursue whatever it...

How To Have More Joy This Holiday Season
What The Black Swan Group teaches is applicable to our daily lives, including family and friends this holiday season! Proactively tell people you...