Why Bargaining Isn't Getting You What You Want
Whether you are working out a high-stakes business deal, negotiating with a vendor, or simply discussing with coworkers what to order for lunch,...

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work
Our work and personal lives are filled with negotiations. Some are small negotiations, such as what movie to watch or who should be responsible for...

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps
To be a compelling and consistent negotiator, it’s important to keep learning new skills and evolving your approach as you grow. Even veteran...

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation
In a negotiation, having leverage means that you hold a perceived advantage that could give you the upper hand in achieving the agreement you desire.

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors
Okay, so you’ve reached out to a vendor, communicated what you’re looking for, and requested a service-level agreement (SLA), timeline, and price...

5 Crucial Tips For Getting Past The Gatekeeper
Getting past the gatekeeper, the screener, the blocker or whatever term you give them has been a challenge...forever. Their job is to insulate and...

3 Ways to Negotiate Like a Black Swan
One definition of negotiation that can be found in a dictionary is "a focused comparison of ideas/results," which to me is a sophisticated way of...

How To Easily Improve Your Negotiation Skills Every Day
“Do the homework, and the test is easy.” Dr. Jeff Spencer You need about 63-65 repetitions of use of a skill to build the neural pathway, so its use...

Labeling...It's Not Just For Emotions Anymore
Emotion labeling was developed as a part of the Active Listening Skillset in the area of psychotherapy in the 1950’s. It is defined as the tentative...

The #1 Way to Perfect This Key Skill
This is also the #1 way to deal with everyone who wants to suck up your time on the phone, from colleagues to cold-calling sales-people with “Have...

The 3 Best Tactics To Not Name Price First
When someone asks you “How much?”, what’s the worst thing you can do? Answer with a price. The traditional wisdom is “He (or she) who names a price...

Why Are We Still Talking About This?
Google “Leadership Emotional Intelligence” and marvel at the number of hits on books, articles, and blog posts that have been produced. Not a week...