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Why Bargaining Isn't Getting You What You Want
Negotiation Mistakes

Why Bargaining Isn't Getting You What You Want

Whether you are working out a high-stakes business deal, negotiating with a vendor, or simply discussing with coworkers what to order for lunch,...

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work
Negotiation Tactics

5 Negotiation Techniques That Work

Our work and personal lives are filled with negotiations. Some are small negotiations, such as what movie to watch or who should be responsible for...

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps
Preparing to Negotiate

Fine-Tune Your Business Negotiation Skills in 6 Steps

To be a compelling and consistent negotiator, it’s important to keep learning new skills and evolving your approach as you grow. Even veteran...

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Gain Leverage During a Negotiation

In a negotiation, having leverage means that you hold a perceived advantage that could give you the upper hand in achieving the agreement you desire.

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors
How to Negotiate

The Dos and Don'ts of Negotiating with Vendors

Okay, so you’ve reached out to a vendor, communicated what you’re looking for, and requested a service-level agreement (SLA), timeline, and price...

5 Crucial Tips For Getting Past The Gatekeeper

5 Crucial Tips For Getting Past The Gatekeeper

Getting past the gatekeeper, the screener, the blocker or whatever term you give them has been a challenge...forever. Their job is to insulate and...

3 Ways to Negotiate Like a Black Swan

3 Ways to Negotiate Like a Black Swan

One definition of negotiation that can be found in a dictionary is "a focused comparison of ideas/results," which to me is a sophisticated way of...

How To Easily Improve Your Negotiation Skills Every Day
How to Negotiate

How To Easily Improve Your Negotiation Skills Every Day

“Do the homework, and the test is easy.” Dr. Jeff Spencer You need about 63-65 repetitions of use of a skill to build the neural pathway, so its use...

Labeling...It's Not Just For Emotions Anymore

Labeling...It's Not Just For Emotions Anymore

Emotion labeling was developed as a part of the Active Listening Skillset in the area of psychotherapy in the 1950’s. It is defined as the tentative...

The #1 Way to Perfect This Key Skill
Negotiation Tactics

The #1 Way to Perfect This Key Skill

This is also the #1 way to deal with everyone who wants to suck up your time on the phone, from colleagues to cold-calling sales-people with “Have...

The 3 Best Tactics To Not Name Price First

The 3 Best Tactics To Not Name Price First

When someone asks you “How much?”, what’s the worst thing you can do? Answer with a price. The traditional wisdom is “He (or she) who names a price...

Why Are We Still Talking About This?
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Are We Still Talking About This?

Google “Leadership Emotional Intelligence” and marvel at the number of hits on books, articles, and blog posts that have been produced. Not a week...

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