The 5 New Rules for Winning Negotiations
Who knew hostage negotiation actually uses the same principles that apply to all negotiations?! Hostage negotiation started in the 1970s, before...

3 Scenarios to Practice Your Negotiation Skills
There’s one commonality that all effective negotiators share: they consciously make the decision to negotiate in their daily lives. It may sound...

4 Steps to Gaining the Upper Hand in a Negotiation
The secret to gaining the upper hand in a negotiation is to give the other party the illusion of control. But how do you flip the control dynamic on...

Why Compromise is the Enemy of Agreement
We’ve all heard the old adage that “compromise is the secret to a good marriage.” It’s not uncommon to hear compromise linked to things like love and...

How to Negotiate With Loved Ones
No matter how skilled and practiced you are as a negotiator, when it comes to dealing with the people you love, it’s easy to get stuck. The same...

5 Elements of Emotional Intelligence to Use During Negotiation
As former FBI negotiators and professional negotiation coaches, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about emotional intelligence (EQ)....

4 Ways to Keep Your Sales Team from Offering Discounts
There’s no denying that sales is a high-pressure, high-stakes game. When you close a big deal, you feel on top of the world. When you lose one, it’s...

How to Negotiate Your Way into a Job: 4 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview
Job hopping can be a slog, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to move up and earn more. The average person will change jobs around 12 times...

5 Tricks To Repair A Bad Business Relationship
The ability to repair suffering relationships is a vital business skill. Cultivating emotional intelligence and control will give you a competitive...

Five Key Components of Effective Negotiation
No matter the context or the stakes, every effective negotiation strategy relies on these five factors. Are you effectively using all five?

4 Ways To Improve Your Team's Communication
There’s a difference between negotiating at the same time and negotiating as a team. If you’re laser-focused on getting your turn to speak and...

Use It Or Lose It: 4 Ways to Practice Your Negotiation Skills
If you’ve ever taken a negotiation course or read a book on negotiation, you’ve likely learned some techniques for effective communication. But...