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Communication Skills: How Leaders Can Regain Trust
Communication Techniques

Communication Skills: How Leaders Can Regain Trust

Even though you’re a leader, you’re still a human being—which means that from time to time, you’re going to make mistakes. That’s just the way it is....

3 Tips to Win Your Next Sales Negotiation in a Virtual World
Improving Sales

3 Tips to Win Your Next Sales Negotiation in a Virtual World

Many sales negotiations have moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of sitting across the table from someone, sales teams are now hopping...

5 Steps to Negotiate Through the Sales Process
Improving Sales

5 Steps to Negotiate Through the Sales Process

If you read my previous post, “Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong,” you know that we’re not big fans of the traditional sales process here at...

Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong
Improving Sales

Why the Traditional Sales Process Is Wrong

I struggle with the whole idea of the sales process in general. Granted, I haven’t worked in every industry on the planet. But even though I’ve...

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview
How to Negotiate

How to Prepare for a Virtual Job Interview

If we’ve learned one thing during COVID-19, it’s that it’s not that hard to maintain already-established relationships virtually. But what about...

Leadership Training: How to Confront a Fellow Leader
Leadership Skills

Leadership Training: How to Confront a Fellow Leader

Maybe you keep hearing grumblings about how a leader at the company is demoralizing their direct reports. Maybe you keep hearing about a manager who...

3 Ways You’re Stacking The Odds Against Yourself in Negotiations
Negotiation Tactics

3 Ways You’re Stacking The Odds Against Yourself in Negotiations

At Black Swan, we teach our clients all sorts of tactics they can employ to achieve better outcomes in their personal and professional lives. For the...

How to Deal with Someone Who’s Using Black Swan Tactics on You
How to Negotiate

How to Deal with Someone Who’s Using Black Swan Tactics on You

You enter a negotiation. What if there’s a Black Swan-trained ninja on the other side? In such a scenario, you’re most likely dealing with one of...

How Negotiation Coaching Can Help You Get to the Next Level
Preparing to Negotiate

How Negotiation Coaching Can Help You Get to the Next Level

You have read Never Split the Difference™. You have thoroughly researched The Black Swan Group. You have subscribed to our newsletter. You have found...

Seven Seconds: How to Crush Your First Impression
Preparing to Negotiate

Seven Seconds: How to Crush Your First Impression

This blog was originally published on 11/26/2018 and updated on 10/22/2020. Seven seconds. That’s all the time you have to make a first impression,...

Negotiation Training: How To Make A Counter-Proposal?
How to Negotiate

Negotiation Training: How To Make A Counter-Proposal?

This blog was originally published on 5/28/2018 and updated on 9/10/2020. When you’re responding to a counterproposal, you need to make sure you...

How Are Negotiation and Interpersonal Communication Related?
Communication Techniques

How Are Negotiation and Interpersonal Communication Related?

You might be the best negotiator in the world. But if you don’t know how to deal with people and treat them with respect, you won’t get the results...

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