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3 Ways to Master Sales Negotiations
Improving Sales

3 Ways to Master Sales Negotiations

At Black Swan, we’re always working hard to help people like you become better negotiators. In my experience, reaching your full potential as a...

Get The Best Deal with These 5 Negotiation Tips
Negotiation Tactics

Get The Best Deal with These 5 Negotiation Tips

Life is full of negotiations. Every time you’re in the middle of a conversation in which someone says I want or I need, you’re in a negotiation. From...

Negotiation Tactics: 3 Ways to Avoid Taking Yourself Hostage
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics: 3 Ways to Avoid Taking Yourself Hostage

A while back, I wrote about three ways negotiators take themselves hostage and what you can do to avoid making these same missteps. Since then, I’ve...

5 Tips for Improving Communication in the Workplace
Communication Techniques

5 Tips for Improving Communication in the Workplace

Poor communication can have a devastating impact on any workplace environment. Not only does it derail productivity, frustrate employees, and damage...

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?
Improving Sales

How Can Sales Negotiation Training Help My Team?

No matter how effective your sales team is, it can always improve. If you’re on the fence about whether it’s worthwhile to invest in sales...

How to Become a Real Estate Negotiation Expert
Real Estate Negotiation

How to Become a Real Estate Negotiation Expert

If you want to become an expert real estate negotiator, read Never Split the Difference. Seriously. After you’ve done that, keep these five tips in...

How to Become an Assertive Negotiator
Negotiation Tactics

How to Become an Assertive Negotiator

Because you’re reading these words, chances are that you want to become an Assertive negotiator. Stop it! It’s time to let go of that desire. The...

Sales Negotiation Strategies for Nonconfrontational Individuals
Improving Sales

Sales Negotiation Strategies for Nonconfrontational Individuals

Every now and again, the best negotiators find themselves sitting across the table from someone who is nonconfrontational. Because we are all so...

Understanding Negotiation Roles and Responsibilities
Negotiation Tactics

Understanding Negotiation Roles and Responsibilities

In every negotiation, there are five distinct roles and responsibilities. In an ideal world, you would have five different people playing each of...

4 Steps to a Successful Real Estate Negotiation
Real Estate Negotiation

4 Steps to a Successful Real Estate Negotiation

If you want to get to the next level as a real estate agent, you need to improve your negotiation skills. It’s really that simple. Real estate agents...

Why You Should Improve Your Real Estate Negotiation Skills
Real Estate Negotiation

Why You Should Improve Your Real Estate Negotiation Skills

Even the most effective real estate agents can always improve. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you’ve sold more properties than...

Negotiation Tactics That Every Woman Should Use
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics That Every Woman Should Use

Women and men are treated differently in the workplace. That’s just the way it is. Over the years, The Black Swan Group has found that women have...

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