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Negotiation Tips Post-Mortem: How to Identify Your Missteps
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tips Post-Mortem: How to Identify Your Missteps

Here’s a negotiation tip: The world’s most effective negotiators understand that they can always sharpen their skills and improve, regardless of the...

4 Easy Tips to Increase Sales During Your Next Negotiation
Improving Sales

4 Easy Tips to Increase Sales During Your Next Negotiation

The best negotiators in the world are always trying to learn new skills and figure out what they can do to negotiate more effectively. Contrary to...

Becoming a Master Negotiator: Trigger Kindness Moments Everyday
Negotiation Tactics

Becoming a Master Negotiator: Trigger Kindness Moments Everyday

Want to become a master negotiator? Do these two things: Have a list of go-to phrases. Never be mean to someone who can hurt you by doing nothing....

Negotiation Training: What Are Black Swans and How Can You Identify Them?
Negotiation Training

Negotiation Training: What Are Black Swans and How Can You Identify Them?

Black Swans are small bits of information the other side holds that— if uncovered—would dramatically change the course of the dialogue and,...

Negotiation Tactics for Uncovering Black Swans in Conversations
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics for Uncovering Black Swans in Conversations

Getting the negotiation outcomes you’re aiming for starts with uncovering the Black Swans in the deal. Simply put, Black Swans are the small, hidden...

Real Estate Negotiations: When to Push and When to Walk Away
Real Estate Negotiation

Real Estate Negotiations: When to Push and When to Walk Away

In any negotiation, a push equals an assertion. Assertions work if they are preceded by Tactical Empathy™. Without it, you will blow the deals you...

How to Use Negotiation Tactics Over Chat Apps
Negotiation Tactics

How to Use Negotiation Tactics Over Chat Apps

Just because you can negotiate through chat apps and text messages doesn’t mean you should. Ultimately, every exchange you have over text should be...

Negotiation Tips: How to Negotiate with Coworkers, Colleagues, and Equals
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tips: How to Negotiate with Coworkers, Colleagues, and Equals

The Black Swan Group often provides tips for negotiating with your direct reports and counterparts from other organizations. However, in this post,...

4 Characteristics Women with Good Leadership Skills Should Embrace
Leadership Skills

4 Characteristics Women with Good Leadership Skills Should Embrace

When it comes down to it, leadership is leadership, and all leaders should approach it the same way. And yet, women can have a difficult time as...

Real Estate Expert Negotiator: Which Goals Should You Pursue First?
Negotiation Tactics

Real Estate Expert Negotiator: Which Goals Should You Pursue First?

When it comes to real estate negotiation—whether you’re representing a buyer or a seller—the first thing you want to do is understand what your...

Unlocking Negotiation Mastery: How the Black Swan Method + Continuous Improvement Make You Unstoppable
Negotiation Tactics

Unlocking Negotiation Mastery: How the Black Swan Method + Continuous Improvement Make You Unstoppable

The Black Swan Method, born from Chris Voss’s decades of experience as an FBI hostage negotiator, is all about uncovering those hidden pieces of...

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.
How to Negotiate

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.

At its very best, yes is only an aspiration, a hope. But hope is not a strategy, and aspiration is not agreement. Here’s why. When Never Split the...

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