3 Signs It’s Time to Cut Your Losses and Move on to the Next Deal
According to Black Swan CEO and founder Chris Voss, it’s not a sin to not get a deal. However, it is a sin to take a long time to not get a deal.
Using the Quick 2+1™ in Your Personal Life
When you’re in a conversation and someone wants or needs something, you’re in the middle of a negotiation—even when you’re talking to a family member...
5 Negotiation Skills to Use in Every Personal Relationship
The skills we teach at The Black Swan Group are designed to help people like you achieve better business outcomes. But our clients can also use our...
Using Calibrated Questions™️ to Win More Deals
When The Black Swan Group™ first started, we taught clients to use Calibrated Questions™ to gather information. Through trial and error, we figured...
What Are the Laws of Negotiation Gravity™?
The Black Swan Group’s Laws of Negotiation Gravity™ are negotiation laws we’ve proven true through trial and error and neuroscience.
5 Ways to Control Your Emotions During Negotiations
Even the most talented negotiators struggle with their emotions from time to time. At the end of the day, emotions are one thing we can’t fully...
Women in Negotiation: 5 Challenges (And How to Overcome Them)
When it comes to high-stakes negotiations, women face unique circumstances. After all, men have long dominated negotiations, and the business world...
Negotiation Tips for Women: How to Confidently Approach Your Counterpart
It’s not always easy for women to be confident in the world of high-stakes negotiations. After all, women and men are often treated differently in...
4 Characteristics Women with Good Leadership Skills Should Embrace
When it comes down to it, leadership is leadership, and all leaders should approach it the same way. And yet, women can have a difficult time as...
5 Tips for Improving Communication in the Workplace
Poor communication can have a devastating impact on any workplace environment. Not only does it derail productivity, frustrate employees, and damage...
Negotiation Tactics That Every Woman Should Use
Women and men are treated differently in the workplace. That’s just the way it is. Over the years, The Black Swan Group has found that women have...
Infographic: The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™️️️ (N9™️️️)
Negotiation is a science as well as an art. When you have all the right ingredients, magic can happen. The Black Swan Group’s negotiation concepts...