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Timing Your Calibrated Question: How to Use “How Am I Supposed to Do That?” Effectively
Tactical Empathy

Timing Your Calibrated Question: How to Use “How Am I Supposed to Do That?” Effectively

"How am I supposed to do that?"—it's one of the most powerful phrases in negotiation, but most people fumble the timing. This Calibrated Question, an...

How to Stop Negotiating With Yourself
How to Negotiate

How to Stop Negotiating With Yourself

The Black Swan skills are fascinating. Developing them each day keeps your mind nimble and your relationships bomb-proof. Some challenges help you...

Mastering Negotiations: Countering Yes Tie-downs for Greater Control
Communication Techniques

Mastering Negotiations: Countering Yes Tie-downs for Greater Control

What Steps Are Necessary To Counter The Use Of Yes Tie-downs? The Black Swan Group works hard to give you the edge in negotiations and difficult...

How You Can Address Negativity During Negotiations
Tactical Empathy

How You Can Address Negativity During Negotiations

Negotiations can often feel like navigating a minefield, where misunderstandings and unmet expectations give rise to negativity that can derail...

Moving Between the Black Swan Skills
Negotiation Training

Moving Between the Black Swan Skills

The Black Swan Method® consists of the Negotiation 9® skills which have been battle-tested and are proven to streamline difficult conversations as...

Heal Strained Relationships: 4 Tactical Empathy™ Techniques for Negotiation Success
Tactical Empathy

Heal Strained Relationships: 4 Tactical Empathy™ Techniques for Negotiation Success

You may believe you deal with many different personality types in your personal and professional life. What steps do you take to make yourself more...

The Top 4 Most Common Negotiation Failures
Negotiation Mistakes

The Top 4 Most Common Negotiation Failures

1. Staying in the moment It’s easy to prepare for a negotiation ahead of time. Staying in the moment and using The Black Swan Skills during it is...

3 Icebreakers to Help You Actually Start Practicing Negotiation
Negotiation Training

3 Icebreakers to Help You Actually Start Practicing Negotiation

We all want to get good at a skill. Unfortunately, most of us get stuck in the “reading about it” phase. We read a dozen self-help, personal...

How Poor Communication Can Negatively Impact Your Relationships
Communication Techniques

How Poor Communication Can Negatively Impact Your Relationships

It’s always the classic scenario: the dreaded, terrible first date. We see it all the time on reality TV or social media— one person talked about...

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids
How to Negotiate

Our Groundbreaking Method is Emotional Intelligence on Steroids

At its core, Tactical Empathy® isn’t what makes the Black Swan skills work. Instead, it’s what happens when you use the skills correctly.

Leaders, Stop Getting Lapped: 5 Unbelievable Benefits of Using Accusation Audits™️
Accusation Audits

Leaders, Stop Getting Lapped: 5 Unbelievable Benefits of Using Accusation Audits™️

If you’ve ever watched a NASCAR race, you have likely witnessed this scenario: The leaders do everything right, and things are going smoothly...until...

How Dynamic Silence™ Can Boost Communication in the Workplace
Communication Techniques

How Dynamic Silence™ Can Boost Communication in the Workplace

Work conversations can be very transactional. It’s not uncommon for professionals to have a different version of the same conversation over and over...

Harness the Power of Tactical Empathy®

Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

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