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4 Tips for Negotiating in a Cooling Housing Market
Real Estate Negotiation

4 Tips for Negotiating in a Cooling Housing Market

The real estate market was blazing hot in the aftermath of the pandemic, but rising interest rates and an uncertain economic future have caused the...

Why You Should Keep Your Counterpart Talking During a Negotiation
Improving Sales

Why You Should Keep Your Counterpart Talking During a Negotiation

At a core level, negotiation is a guided discovery process. That’s why you should always be curious in your negotiations. Otherwise, you can’t...

How Cultural Barriers Can Impact Negotiations
International Negotiations

How Cultural Barriers Can Impact Negotiations

The most obvious cultural barrier that impacts negotiation is the language barrier. But beyond that, there are nearly 200 countries on the planet,...

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Say “No” in a Negotiation

Saying no is the most assertive thing you can do in a negotiation, meaning you should only do it when absolutely necessary. We encourage clients to...

Black Swan Negotiation Skills Training: Quick 2+1™
How to Negotiate

Black Swan Negotiation Skills Training: Quick 2+1™

We start every Black Swan live training session with the same exercise: the Quick 2+1™. It’s our foundational skill set. At the end of the day,...

4 Leadership Behaviors to Avoid
Leadership Skills

4 Leadership Behaviors to Avoid

The Black Swan Group often talks about what you can do to become a more effective leader. But if your goal is reaching your full potential as a...

5 Exercises to Become an Expert Real Estate Negotiator
Real Estate Negotiation

5 Exercises to Become an Expert Real Estate Negotiator

No matter how good of a real estate negotiator you are, you can always improve. Here are five exercises expert real estate agents practice regularly...

Negotiation Training: What Are Black Swans and How Can You Identify Them?
Negotiation Training

Negotiation Training: What Are Black Swans and How Can You Identify Them?

Black Swans are small bits of information the other side holds that— if uncovered—would dramatically change the course of the dialogue and,...

Negotiation Tips: How to Negotiate with Coworkers, Colleagues, and Equals
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tips: How to Negotiate with Coworkers, Colleagues, and Equals

The Black Swan Group often provides tips for negotiating with your direct reports and counterparts from other organizations. However, in this post,...

Negotiation Tactics and Leadership: Why the Two Work Together
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Tactics and Leadership: Why the Two Work Together

Leaders are charged with promoting their organization’s mission and getting people to produce. To influence your direct reports to do what you want...

How to Demonstrate Leadership in a New Role
Leadership Skills

How to Demonstrate Leadership in a New Role

When they start new roles, some leaders feel tempted to institute changes right away to make an immediate impact. Unless it’s an emergency, there is...

5 Ways to Avoid Leadership Failure
Leadership Skills

5 Ways to Avoid Leadership Failure

Whereas the best leaders can help their teams unlock their full potential, those who fail at leadership doom their teams to suboptimal results, toxic...

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