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How to Turn Confrontation Into Partnership Like Taylor Swift
How to Negotiate

How to Turn Confrontation Into Partnership Like Taylor Swift

The most dangerous negotiation is the one you don’t know you’re in. Last June, Taylor Swift wrote one of the most elegant confrontations in the...

The #1 Way to Know If Their Price Is Soft
Negotiation Tactics

The #1 Way to Know If Their Price Is Soft

They’re selling. As soon as someone starts selling, you know their price is soft.

Announcing Never Split the Difference & How You Can Help
Negotiation Training

Announcing Never Split the Difference & How You Can Help

As you know, if you are receiving our newsletter, May 17th is the publication date for “Never Split The Difference - Negotiating As If Your Life...

The Top Negotiation Tip From the #1 Trial Attorney in LA
Negotiation Tactics

The Top Negotiation Tip From the #1 Trial Attorney in LA

“Is it better to be liked or respected at work?” This was the question posed in an article aimed at women I came across last November. This is...

The Top Preparation Habit of Highly Successful Negotiators
Preparing to Negotiate

The Top Preparation Habit of Highly Successful Negotiators

I was rehearsing an anticipated negotiation in my head. This interaction would be with someone I’ve let get under my skin. This bothers me in a...

The Key to Dealing with A Negotiator Who Lies
How to Negotiate

The Key to Dealing with A Negotiator Who Lies

The most common lie in a negotiation? “Yes”. As in “Yes, we’ll do it” or “Yes, that’s true” or “Yes, I’m interested”.

The Insider's Secret to Relationship Success is the Best Negotiation Advice
How to Negotiate

The Insider's Secret to Relationship Success is the Best Negotiation Advice

Matt Jacobson, Facebook’s head of market development, recently gave a piece of advice for relationship success that likewise is fundamental to the...

The Key to Negotiating Thanksgiving With Your Family
Negotiation and Personal Relationships

The Key to Negotiating Thanksgiving With Your Family

Eric Barker wrote in his blog “Barking Up The Wrong Tree” that gratitude is the tactical nuke of emotions. That when you bring yourself to feel it,...

Negotiation Skills Training: 4 Steps to Establish Control
Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation Skills Training: 4 Steps to Establish Control

The secret to gaining the upper hand in negotiation is to give the other side the illusion of control. If knowledge is power, what you really want to...

2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations
Salary Negotiation

2 Steps to Sun Tzu Your Salary Negotiations

Sun Tzu's The Art of War presents two principles that I teach my students and clients to use in salary negotiations. “Attack where he is unprepared.”...

The Sexiest Thing About Listening
Communication Techniques

The Sexiest Thing About Listening

It’s how you get what you want. In hostage negotiation we always had a saying “What’s it going to take to get the hostage taker to come out? He’ll...

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation
Salary Negotiation

How to Crush Your Salary Negotiation

“How can I be guaranteed to be involved in projects critical to the company’s future?” Ask this in every job and salary negotiation. Every time....

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