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Thou Shalt Not Split The Difference: 7 Reasons Why
Negotiation Training

Thou Shalt Not Split The Difference: 7 Reasons Why

You left Black Swans (hidden opportunities) on the table You build in a downward spiral You hurt the relationship It’s bad for your prosperity long...

The Power of 'How Am I Supposed to Do That?' - A Negotiation Perspective
How to Negotiate

The Power of 'How Am I Supposed to Do That?' - A Negotiation Perspective

In the high-stakes world of hostage negotiation, words can mean the difference between life and death. During my years as the FBI's lead...

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.
How to Negotiate

Let’s Put ‘Yes’ Out of Its Misery. ‘Yes’ Is Not Agreement.

At its very best, yes is only an aspiration, a hope. But hope is not a strategy, and aspiration is not agreement. Here’s why. When Never Split the...

How To Instantly Create Collaboration to Get What You Want
Tactical Empathy

How To Instantly Create Collaboration to Get What You Want

The Black Swan Group has created a list of 10 Magic Wand phrases to instantly transform any negotiation. I will be revealing each of these in a...

10 Phrases That Reveal (Dangerous) Hidden Negotiations
Communication Techniques

10 Phrases That Reveal (Dangerous) Hidden Negotiations

The most dangerous negotiation is the one you don’t know you’re in.” What hidden negotiations drain your time (your most valuable commodity) each and...

How Fear of Loss and Time Are Negatively Impacting Your Ability to Listen

How Fear of Loss and Time Are Negatively Impacting Your Ability to Listen

In the seventh hour of the hostage negotiation, the team psychologist leaned over and delivered a chilling message.

The Stealth Negotiation Superpower: Playfulness
Negotiation Training

The Stealth Negotiation Superpower: Playfulness

Here’s how I stumbled over the new superpower of playfulness to make a delightful deal…And learned the optimum time of day to make a deal.

The Magic Wand of Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

The Magic Wand of Negotiation

“I need you to wave a magic wand.” This is the latest Black Swan Method Jedi phrase to accomplish things no one else can do and get people to move...

Fairness in Negotiations: 3 Myths That Hold You Back
Tactical Empathy

Fairness in Negotiations: 3 Myths That Hold You Back

“In life, you don’t get what’s fair, you get what you negotiate.” - Chris Voss

Negotiation Training: The Top 4 ‘No-Oriented’ Questions
Negotiation Training

Negotiation Training: The Top 4 ‘No-Oriented’ Questions

Yes doesn’t always mean yes. This is why shrewd negotiators don’t aim for yes, but instead try to get their counterparts to say no. In this...

10 Rules You Need to Break Right Now
Negotiation Tactics

10 Rules You Need to Break Right Now

1. Ask good questions – False You need to gather information–yet people hate being interrogated. Questions create friction, diminish rapport, and...

How To Use Silence To Your Advantage
Negotiation Tactics

How To Use Silence To Your Advantage

One of my business school students recently sent me an email that said: “One thing you’ve emphasized in class is using a skill and then shutting up....

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