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3 Keys to Negotiation
How to Negotiate

3 Keys to Negotiation

No matter who you talk to there is an agenda. Even if that agenda is on a personal level and it happens to be catching up or shooting the breeze.

How To Continue to Maintain and Build Your Negotiation Competency
How to Negotiate

How To Continue to Maintain and Build Your Negotiation Competency

The standard answer is practice, practice, practice. Repetition; however, is the mother of skill, but what you are practicing is just as important....

3 Guidelines For Negotiating Like a Pro
Preparing to Negotiate

3 Guidelines For Negotiating Like a Pro

Traditionally speaking negotiation is seen as a focused comparison of ideas/results, in some circles, this can easily be construed into an argument...

3 Ways To Uncover Black Swans That Will Boost Your Deals
Negotiation Tactics

3 Ways To Uncover Black Swans That Will Boost Your Deals

However you get into an interaction, whether you have had ample time to prepare or you have been thrown into the fires of Mount Doom, it is always...

3 Negotiation Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Deals
Negotiation Mistakes

3 Negotiation Mistakes That Are Hurting Your Deals

People always want to increase their odds of success. It's simply human nature to want to do everything you can to avoid failure. Here are 3 common...

3 Ways To Create Space For Yourself In A Negotiation
How to Negotiate

3 Ways To Create Space For Yourself In A Negotiation

It is always nice to have breathing room in a negotiation. Not monetary breathing room, breathing room in the conversation. What we refer to as...

How to Find Fairness In A Negotiation
How to Negotiate

How to Find Fairness In A Negotiation

The old saying – “the first step to solving a problem is being aware that the problem exists.” On that same token, the first step to finding fairness...

How To Disarm the Attack
How to Negotiate

How To Disarm the Attack

There comes a time in almost every negotiation where we may get a counterpart that is trying to influence our decisions by making an ultimatum type...

Why Your Logic Isn't Important In Negotiation
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Your Logic Isn't Important In Negotiation

We all like to think that we have a certain amount of logic, some more than others, especially when it comes to making decisions that have a serious...

Why Assumptions Should Be A Hypothesis
Preparing to Negotiate

Why Assumptions Should Be A Hypothesis

One of the biggest problems we see in negotiation begins during the process of preparation. Of course we all know preparation is important but “how...

What Makes You Think Your
Preparing to Negotiate

What Makes You Think Your "Yes" Is Real?

Yes is a very tricky concept, especially when put it into the negotiation context. First of all, there are 3 types of “yes” – Confirmation,...

The Alternative to 'Tell Me More'
Negotiation Tactics

The Alternative to 'Tell Me More'

My last article in The Edge called “The Problem with Tell Me More” left a few people asking “What do you say instead?”. This article is meant to give...

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